Image by Ludger Philips https://ludgerphilips.org/
light house ASTROLOGY
This website was created to use as a platform for teaching astrology for spiritual personal development. Astrology provides a tool for identifying our creative gifts and identifying our life purpose. This is most pertinent at this time when humanity needs to step forward with it's creative skills to create the new world as our old world falls away.
Astrology is not psychism, a belief system, clairvoyance, numerology, tarot, palmistry. It is a language, a science and an art. Astrology existed and was used a long time before astronomy. Astrology is about patterns and timing based upon the stars and the movement of actual planets in the sky – all of which influence and affect us in very specific ways.
It explains the connection of the energies of these planets to our lives through the natal chart, and the role that they play in developing human consciousness. Every person's life and natal chart are unique.
In studying astrology with Light House Astrology a whole new world will open up for you and you will develop more compassion for yourself and others. 'For now we see through a glass darkly',1 Corinthians 13:12. Astrology brings everything together, wiping the glass clean, so we can see clearly.
The Pillars of my Astrology Approach
- aspirants Know Thyself
Above the door of all ancient mystery schools were the words 'Know Thyself'
Studying Astrology and it's symbols was an integral part of all mystery schools
Astrology gives us a profound sacred language of symbols and geometry to understand who we truly are as humans; Spirit, Soul and Physical/Personality
Astrology teaches us 'that to be in touch with our own higher nature (our Soul) is the same as being in unity with the substance of stars and galaxies. Our spiritual souls are made of celestial light just as our bodies belong to the Earth. We ARE the substance of the stars.' Risa D'Angeles
The Piscean age is passing away, the last 2,000 years, and the light of the Aquarian Age, the next 2,000, is unfolding
The world as we know it is crumbling
We must create the new world with Aquarian principles
Aquarius rules Astrology and community
Astrology offers us a spiritual psychological framework to understand who we truly are and assess & hone our gifts and talents to create the new world
Astrology provides a level playing field to understand ourselves, others and our world
3. We are spiritual beings
Light House Astrology offers a spiritual personal development tool informed by the Ancient Wisdom Teachings
Studying Astrology is a way to develop the higher mind and develop a pathway to bridging the lower/rational mind and the higher mind, which is the seat of the Soul
The Soul bridges the Personality body, the physical with Spirit
Astrology is the new psychology incorporating our spiritual essence helping to build this bridge, the Rainbow Bridge
It's our divine birth right to know our astrology natal chart
4. Ancient Wisdom Teachings
Light House Astrology is informed and inspired by the Ancient Wisdom Teachings:
An ancient body of spiritual teachings underlying all scientific, social and cultural achievements and world religions
First made available in writing to the general public in the late 1800s by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and later by Alice A. Bailey
Shine a light on humanity's long history providing an understanding of our purpose and evolution on planet earth
Explain the Spirit, Soul and Personality/Physical connection
'Those who have learned a little of the Ancient Wisdom know the illumination, the peace, the joy, the strength, its lessons have brought into their lives.' ~ Annie Besant
Open to everyone to take a seat at the astrology class
Taking a seat means making a commitment to do the work
Doing the work is linked to the planet Saturn
Everyone has Saturn in their natal chart
Commitment to self, the learning process, the homework and engagement with others is essential
Experience the joy of real group work & sharing at a personal level with others
It is our divine birth right to Study the stars & our natal Astrology chart
About Laura
I have worked as a food technologist, a management education
trainer & facilitator, and a manager/owner of health food businesses. While working in the area of management development as a trainer/facilitator, I found the personality profiling tools (e.g. Myers Briggs, the Enneagram) fell short on looking at the whole person from a spiritual holistic perspective. At the time I did not have a tool to introduce that would offer a spiritual perspective in helping others on their personal development path. I then went on to run health food businesses. I exercised my Virgo sun, Gemini moon, and Cancer rising signs in both careers. Virgo - the analyst, food and holistic health, purification, personal development; Gemini - communication, relating, teaching; Cancer - the mother, nurturer, nourishment.
I studied astrology to understand more about myself, the life challenges I experienced and to seek insight into my life purpose in this lifetime. I learnt that it was as a very practical, profound transformational tool in aiding spiritual personal development, which has led me back into the area of education again offering others a learning platform to study astrology.
Core Values
'I build the lighted house and therein dwell'
Cancer's Soul mantra
Astrology builds understanding & compassion for all. We are all connected on a Soul level
Connection with others, Goodwill towards all. 'Contact releases love, it's a law' Risa D'Angeles
Applying Astrology to life phenomenologically, linking the heavens and the earth. 'As above, so below'
Professional Background and vision
Degree in Food Science & Technology, 1992 - University College Cork, Ireland
Masters Degree in Business, 2003 - specialising in critical reflection in management personal development - University of Limerick, Ireland
Facilitator/Trainer on Management Development Certificates & Diplomas and on Leadership Development Programmes,1999 - 2003 - University of Limerick, Ireland
Owner/Manager of Heath Food Businesses, 2004 - 2013
Completed astrology courses with Debra Silverman School of Astrology, 2018
Studying astrology with Risa D'Angeles since 2013. Risa's website 'Night Light News endeavours to bridge personality with Soul-centred astrology and articulate a practical way of living using astrology'
I continue to be a student of exoteric (personality) and esoteric (soul-centred) astrology. Astrology is a phenomenological study everyday. The learning never ends!
My vision and wish is that astrology will be restored to it's rightful place within the education system and to live in a community where astrology and the ancient wisdom teachings inform the daily life and principles that people live by